Timer Calibration

The program uses your computer's clock to do the calibration job. You can use the readout of time difference to compare with any timer/stopwatch you want to check. The program code is wrote by javascript and it is short and direct so that we believe it should gives an accurate timing result.

Click 'Start' button below and your timer/stopwatch's start at the same time, wait for 10 mins and click 'Stop' button below and your timer/stopwatch's stop. The time difference between 'Start' and 'Stop' calculated by this program would be displayed in both mini-seconds and min-sec in the below. Click 'Reset' for new test.


Time Difference (ms) :  
Time Difference (mm/ss) :  

Disclaimer : the result of this serivce is for your reference only. Whilst the program try its best to be accurate, it accepts no liability for the accuracy or completeness or use of the information obtained on this website. The result of this service should not be construed as the giving of advice or the making of a recommendation and should not be relied on as the basis for any decision or action.

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